
Software Requirements

The Product is officially supported on the following platforms:

Windows Server

Windows Server 2008 32 / 64 bit inc R2 Versions, Windows Server 2012 inc R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022

Client O.S.

The product is OS agnostic.

Supported Languages

Any langauge that supports Web Services including .NET, Ruby, PHP and Java.

Office Versions

Office 2007 SP2 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016 applications for the relevant converters.

Hardware Requirements

This product works well on any server that has been released in the last 10 years. Exact specifications depend on the usage scenario and peak load. Multiple servers can be load-balanced to achieve linear scalability and implement automatic fail-over.


This depends on the size and complexity of the documents that are converted and the number of concurrent conversions taking place. We recommend a minimum of 1GB of total memory.


Any CPU that comfortably runs any of the supported server operating systems. We recommend one or more multi-core CPUs.

Disk Space

This product requires 400MB of disk space.

Supported File Formats

The following file formats can be converted to PDF.


doc, docx, docm, dot, dotx, dotm, rtf, txt, xml, odt, ott, wps, wpd


xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, xml, csv, dif, ods, ots.


ppt, pptx, pptm, xml, odp, otp, pps, ppsx, ppsm.


xml, infopathxml.


pub (2000-2010).


msg, eml.

Visio & Vector formats

vsd, vdx, svg, svgz, vdw, vsdx, vss, vssx, vst, vstx.

HTML & Web Pages

html, mht and any HTML based URL (aspx, jsp etc)

Image based formats

gif, png, jpg, bmp, tif, tiff.


dxf, dwg (2D & 3D).


pdf, fdf, xfdf, xml.